Cadden & Fuller LLP

A Client-Focused Approach to Business and Real Estate Law

Know your options in a commercial real estate dispute

On Behalf of | May 1, 2020 | Commercial Real Estate |

No company in Southern California wants to get involved in litigation. However, most have a plan if the need arises. When it comes to commercial real estate, having a plan to address any potential disputes that might arise – before they become an issue – can be the best approach to get the issue resolved and move on with the main goals of any business: profitability, expansion and sustainability.

When businesses in Southern California get into the real estate market any number of issues could arise. For example, many businesses lease property and buildings. What happens if the landlord alleges that the lease has been breached? A company could find itself on the receiving end of lawsuit, in such a situation. Understanding both contract and real estate law can provide options to potentially resolve the dispute and restore the relationship.

During the sale or purchase of commercial real estate there could be all kinds of bumps in the road. These transactions can be much more complicated than residential real estate deals. However, going through the process of the transaction on a point-by-point schedule could help prevent disputes, or at least help the sides familiarize themselves with the potential problems that might arise as the transaction is negotiated.

The variety of potential issues that might come up when it comes to commercial real estate are too numerous to list, but the best approach to any given legal issue is often the same: know your options. At our law firm, we work with businesses in Southern California that may have become entangled in a commercial real estate dispute. For more information about how we might be able to help, please visit the commercial real estate overview section of our law firm’s website.
